Understanding Causes and Treatment for Hip Pain

Fluid movement is made possible by the hip. You must know that the hip is the largest ball and socket joint in the body. With that, it can withstand normal wear and tear associated with repetitive activities or motion. When you use the hip for any chore or activity, a cushion of cartilage prevents friction as the bone moves in the socket.
Despite its robustness, the joint is not indestructible. With age and continued use, the hip is still susceptible to wear and damage leading to pain. To alleviate pain and discomfort, it is time that you give your hip attention. Here are the causes of hip pain and the treatments that you can consider:
What are the causes of hip pain?
You must know that hip pain may be caused by the following conditions:
• Arthritis: this refers to the inflammation of the hip joint. It can also break down the cartilage that prevents friction as the bone moves in the socket. The symptoms usually develop over time but they can also appear suddenly. The most common types of arthritis include OA (Osteoarthritis) and RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis).
• Injuries: hip pain can also be caused by different injuries like hip fracture, hip labral tear, bursitis, tendinitis, and dislocation.
• Pinched nerves: hip pain may be caused by pinched nerves ailments like sciatica, sacroiliitis, and meralgia paresthetica.
• Cancer: there are some cases that hip pain is caused by bone cancer, leukemia and advanced cancer that already spread to the bones.
• Other problems: hip pain may be caused by other health problems like osteomyelitis, osteoporosis, synovitis, avascular necrosis, and Legg-calve-parthes disease.
When to consult an orthopedic physician?
It is crucial that you know when to consult an orthopedic physician. You should visit one when the hip pain has been present for more than a month, if the pain radiates to the groin and if there is stiffness with decreased range of motion. Additionally, if you notice that there is hip and groin pain when driving, sitting, walking and sleeping, you should immediately see a physician.
What are the treatments for hip pain?
Hip pain should not be ignored. For treatment, you can consider It is important that you know what to do when pain strikes. If the pain is caused by a tendon or muscle strain, you can relieve it with OTC (Over-the-counter) pain medications like acetaminophen, naproxen, and ibuprofen.
If you have rheumatoid arthritis, the treatment will be prescribed by the doctor but generally, it will include anti-inflammatory medications. Aside from medications, you can also consider low-impact exercises, stretching and resistance training. These exercises can reduce hip pain and improve mobility. Physical therapy can also improve your mobility.
You can try home remedies as well. Home remedies include icing a joint or warming it up. If you have arthritis or bursitis, icing can lessen the inflammation and help with the pain. Doctors suggest icing a joint four or five times every day for about ten to fifteen minutes. You can also soothe an arthritic hip joint through a hot shower or bath. Do not warm up the joint if it is caused by bursitis because it can make the inflammation worse.