
Reason to make the right balance of Vitamin K and Warfarin

There are several reasons that people may need to recognize foods with vitamin K and types of foods that are rich most in such type of nutrients. You can eat different types of vitamin K foods regularly in your salads like Spinach, onions, Brussels sprouts, dandelion greens, kale and broccoli, cabbage and parsley are all excellent sources of vitamin K. you can incorporate these items into your daily food diet in to give yourself a good boost. If you are not taking any medicines that help in blood thinning, you can eat plenty of these delicious and nutrient-rich vegetables on a daily basis.

Vitamin K offers great health benefits to the users in blood clotting and bone-building side effects.  People, who are taking blood thinner medicines like Warfarin, need to take special care, especially heart specialists. Blood thinners are prescribed often for the people who are at high risk of getting the blood clots. Vitamin K can decrease the proper effect of such medicines as Warfarin. Vitamin K is an important component that takes part in the chemical process to make the blood clots. But Vitamin K cannot be avoided even by such people.

Vitamin K and Warfarin

Limitation of Vitamin K

You cannot even avoid or cut Vitamin K completely from your diet because it is present in different nutrient-rich, healthy foods like many vegetables, leafy greens etc. You need to find out the right balance of Vitamin K and Warfarin by consulting with your doctor. If you consume foods that are rich in Vitamin K, you need to check your blood pressure level frequently and need to increase the dose of Warfarin as per the suggestion of your physician. If you take less Vitamin K, you need to have less Warfarin.

How to balance?

Keep the intake of Vitamin K consistent. You can include a diet with Vitamin K for regular basis but be very mindful of the portion when you are taking Warfarin. You can have the foods rich with Vitamin K every day, thrice in a week or once in a week but discuss the portion with your diet. You need to know the right doses of Warfarin in contrast with the Vitamin K intake. He/she can adjust the dose of Vitamin K and Warfarin for you. You need to be knowledgeable on Vitamin K to manage the right balance. There are some vegetables that come with a low amount of Vitamin K like Peppers, tomatoes, cauliflower, carrots potatoes, squash, Sweet potatoes, cucumbers etc. Iceberg Lettuce contains a lower amount of K vitamin that you can take on a regular basis. Read the labels when you are taking multivitamin supplements also and check the level of Vitamin K.

Keep eyes on Omega 3 and herbal supplements also

To keep the blood values in body stable, you need to also avoid a few specific vitamins and supplements. Again, your doctor can guide you best in such cases. When you are taking the Omega 3 or herbal supplements, check that whether it is interfering with your Warfarin dose.


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