Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: Everything You Need To Know

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is considered to be a minimally invasive surgery that is done for the removal of the gallbladder from the body. It helps a person when a gallstone ends up causing infection, inflammation, or pain. The surgery is known to involve some small incisions, most of the people suffering from the same go back to their homes on the very same day and can return to their normal schedule in no time.
What is the gallbladder?
It is an organ present in a human body that is similar to a small pear with respect to its size and shape. It is responsible to store bile juices that are made by the liver. The gallbladder keeps it safe till the time our body requires it for the digestion of fatty foods.
What do you mean by a laparoscopic cholecystectomy?
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is defined as a surgery done for the removal of the gallbladder. Under this laparoscopic gallstone surgery, a surgeon makes a certain number of small incisions on the right side of the belly or abdomen of a person. He then uses one of the incisions to insert a thin tube with a camera attached to its end, which we call a laparoscope. With this, the gallbladder can be easily visible on the screen. This gallbladder can then be removed via another small incision made primarily by the surgeon.
Such form of gallstone surgery is less invasive when compared to an open cholecystectomy because the latter one involves much larger incisions when compared to the previous one.
Who requires gallbladder removal surgery?
A gallbladder surgery helps a person who has gallstones present in his gallbladder that is causing infection and pain.
Gallstones are nothing but stones or crystals that get formed in the gallbladder and end up blocking the flow of bile from the gallbladder to the digestive system. This blockage of the path is the major force causing an inflamed gallbladder, which is also known as cholecystitis. In severe conditions, such gallstones might move to various parts of the body and cause serious issues.
Some symptoms to look out for to test the presence of gallstones are:
- Feeling bloated
- Jaundice
- Fever
- Nausea
- Pain in the right abdomen leading to shoulder or back pain
What are the advantages of laparoscopic gallstone surgery?
A surgeon or healthcare provider helps determine which option you should go with, either laparoscopic gallstone surgery or open cholecystectomy. The process of laparoscopic surgery has several advantages:
- Low complications
- Small scars or wounds
- Less pain
- Quick recovery
In case you still end up facing any problems after the surgery, reach out to your healthcare provider.