
Best Options to Treat Dental Decays & Cavities

Generally, tooth decay and cavity refer to the holes that form when the acid in your mouth wears down your teeth enamels. Luckily, these issues can be treated straightforwardly in the early stages. Regular dental check-ups enable your general dentists to diagnose and treat them as soon as possible before they become more severe. By skipping your regular dental visits, untreated dental cavities can lead to severe dental pain, infection, or even tooth extraction. As a result, emergency dental care is required to alleviate your pain and preserve your oral health. Based on a same-day emergency dentist in Toronto, most of emergency dental issues occur out of the blue, and dental decays are one of them. You may have no pain, but suddenly there will be an awful pain. Here’s a look at essential information to avoid dental decays and practical ways to treat them successfully.

Essential Tips about Dental Decays & Cavities

Generally, all people, from children to adolescents, may experience these common dental issues. Some important types of dental decays are as follows:

-Smooth Surface: This type of mild dental decay can be prevented by daily brushing, flossing, and professional cleaning that experienced dentists perform in your regular appointments. Typically, this type of dental decay will be developed when people are in their 20s.

-Pit & Fissure Cavities: This type of dental decays and cavities are formed at the chewing surface of your teeth. Pit and fissure decays tend to begin during the teenage years, and they will progress very quickly.

-Root Decays: Receding gums are common oral issues among older adults, and those who suffer from this issue are more prone to experience root decays. Besides, this type of dental decay and cavities are very hard to prevent or treat.

Underlying Reasons for Dental Decays & Cavities

Although several factors can lead to teeth decays, the following steps are the most important reasons:

-Having too much food that contains sugar like bread, sodas, and candy will feed bacteria in your mouth.

-Bacteria and acid will form plaque and stains over your teeth.

-The plaque will stick to the surface of your teeth, and without proper brushing, it will lead to creating cavities and holes.

same-day emergency dentist in Toronto

Important Signs of Cavities

Generally, mild dental decays on the outer enamel surface may not cause pain or other symptoms. You will experience the following symptoms when decays progress into the dentin and tooth root.

-Bad breathing or bad tasting in your mouth

-Swelling or bleeding gum

-Unbearable toothaches or mouth pain

-Dental sensitivity

Diagnosis & Treatment

According to experienced dental specialists, twice a year dental check-ups are the best way to diagnose dental cavities and decays early when your professional dentists have the potential to save much of your injured teeth. General dentists will use technical instruments and x-rays to diagnose invisible dental decays and treat them straightforwardly.

 Best Ways to Treat Dental Decays & Cavities

Fluoride: If your dental cavities are diagnosed in the initial stages, fluoride treatments are a suitable option to repair the tooth enamel.

Filling: In such a case that your dentists will decide to remove the decayed site, a dental filling will be the right choice to solve the problem and fill the space appropriately.

-Root Canal: In most severe cases where decay affects tooth root, endodontists will perform root canal therapy to remove the pulp that contains nerves, and as a result, your pain will be alleviated.

Tooth Extraction: When root canal therapy fails, unfortunately, tooth extraction will be recommended to preserve surrounding healthy teeth.

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