All You Need to Know About Primobolan

Primobolan is a steroid and is the trade name for the compound known as Methenolone. It is available in two forms:-
- Injectable- Methenolone Enanthate
- Oral- Methenolone Acetate
It is basically an anabolic androgenic steroid. Though it is quite a common steroid, the injectable form is more popular among athletes and bodybuilders than the oral acetate form.
The formula for Primobolan was first released in the year 1960. A pharmaceutical company named Squibb started the commercial production of Primobolan in 1962. The first form which was produced was the injectable form- Methelonone Enanthlate under the common name, “Nibal depot”. In the same year the oral acetate version was released under the name “Nibal”. Later the rights for the production of this drug was bought by another company named Schering and during this take over the names were changed to “Primobolan” for the oral form and “Primobolan depot” for the injectable form. Since then they have been available in the market in these forms.
You might also be interested to know that Primobolan was considered one of the favorite steroids of Arnold Schwarzenegger back in the 1970s.
Why Use Primobolan
Primobolan compared to other steroids is considered relatively safer due to its mild nature. The injectable form is considered stronger and more effective and hence more preferable to bodybuilders due to the following properties:
- Enhances immune system
- Increases lean muscle weight
- Helps in fat loss
- Increases performance
- Increases strength and endurance
This is one of the very few steroids that is women-friendly due to its low virilization property and also because it does not affect estrogen levels in your body. So if you are a female bodybuilder you could opt for this hormone without thinking twice.
Apart from bodybuilders, Primobolan is also used for treatment purposes. It is used to treat malnutrition in children and osteoporosis in adults without any side-effects. In fact, it has proved to produce effective results for treating AIDS.
The recommended dosage of Primobolan is 50-75 mg per day for men and 25-50 mg per day for women. Though it is safe to increase the dosage gradually it should only be done after consulting with an expert. The maximum recommended dosage is 100-150 mg per day.
A typical Primobolan cycle is 8 weeks though it may vary from person to person. Since it is typically a fat-losing hormone, you might be able to see visible differences in a short time.
Like any other drug, Primobolan also produces better results when stacked with other steroids. Common stacking steroids include Winstrol, Masteron, Anavar or Trenbolone.
Unlike many other steroids, side-effects related to misuse of Primobolan are very limited. It is relatively milder than other steroids. The most commonly experienced side-effects are:
- There might be cases of slight liver toxicity, though oral acetate form of Primobolan does not cause liver damage.
- Like any other anabolic steroids, Primobolan suppresses natural testosterone production in the body if used in excess.
Apart from the above, it can cause mild cardiovascular problems. Due to its minimal side-effects among other steroids, it could be the right choice for you.